Sunday, March 25, 2012

Reflection on my Lesson

Wendy and I presented our lesson on Friday March 23rd. I thought the lesson went pretty well.
  • We prepared by making our lesson plan and making sure we had all of the materials we needed to complete our lesson.
  • The objective of our lesson was to have students distinguish characters,settings and events, SWBAT write a short story, and SWBAT to their own puppets. Our informal assessment included walking around while the students did their short stories and asking them who the characters were of the story. Our formal assessment was the students were writing a short story and once they were finished they would raise their hands and the teacher would check it.
  • Yes, our lesson plan was executed exactly as planned. It was a little longer than anticipated, but that was just because of the behavior.
  • I though that our lesson went very well. I think we did a good job of controlling everyone, while still getting our initial work done.
  • From the students, I learned that we have to explain things in simpler ways. For example when reading the story I thought that some of the words were a little to difficult for a 1st grader to grasp.
  • I honesty do not think I would have done anything different with our lesson.
  • All in all I thought that the lesson was pretty effective. If anything I would have given them a little more busy work, so they would stay a little quieter.
  • Personally, I think I need to be a little more strict or have a stricter tone to my voice.
All in all I enjoyed teaching our lesson!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Bulletin Board

For my bulletin board I was assigned St. Patricks Day. The board is entitled "Lucky Me". The rainbow is made up of individual circles that if in a classroom the children would cut out themselves. Inside the circle they would write something that has happened in their life that was lucky. After all the pieces are together the students would write their names on the front of the circle and together as a class we would make one beautiful rainbow.